What Type of Time-Sharing Schedules are Used in Parenting Plans in Florida?
As described by the Florida Courts, a parenting plan is a legal document that governs the parenting-relationship after a divorce or a separation. In Florida, a parenting plan is required in all cases involved in the time-sharing of minor children—even if the parents are not locked in a dispute. To be effective, a parenting plan should include a comprehensive, well-structured schedule.
This raises an important question: What does a child time-sharing schedule look like? The answer depends on many different factors. Here, our Clearwater child custody lawyer provides an overview of the most common time-sharing schedules and we explain the importance of customizing a time-sharing schedule to meet the unique needs of your family.
Parenting Plans: Three Common Time-Sharing Schedules
Although parents could theoretically come to any type of child time-sharing schedule, many parents select an arrangement that conforms to certain basic standards. Here are three of the most common child time-sharing schedules in Florida:
- Alternating Weeks or Two Weeks At a Time: Parents with 50-50 custody may choose to divide time by alternating weeks or alternating every two weeks. This type of schedule works well for parents with relatively similar day-to-day work schedules.
- Alternating 2-3-2 Schedule: An alternating 2-3-2 schedule is another type of popular time-sharing arrangement as it ensures a balance between weekdays and weekends. This type of frequent switch works well for living and working relatively close to each other and having a strong working relationship.
- Weekend Visitation or Every Other Weekend Visitation: If one parent has primary custody, the non-custodial parent may be granted their unsupervised time every weekend or every other weekend. A visitation schedule may need to be modified to meet the specific needs of the family.
Child time-sharing schedules should also account for special occasions and other unusual situations. For example, a comprehensive parenting plan should address holidays, summer vacation, and other events that can be clearly anticipated well in advance. Additionally, a parenting plan should include a process for adjusting the schedule to accommodate unforeseen circumstances.
Make Sure the Time-Sharing Schedule Works for You and Your Family
One of the most important things to remember about parenting plans is that they are not one-size-fits all solutions. Every time-sharing schedule should be customized to meet the unique needs of the family. You should work towards an arrangement that actually works for you and your children. An experienced Florida child custody & visitation attorney can help you negotiate a reliable parenting plan.
Call Our Clearwater Child Custody Attorney for Guidance and Support
At the Law Office of Gale H. Moore P.A., our Clearwater child custody lawyer is Board Certified in marital and family law. If you have any questions about time-sharing schedules and parenting plans, we are here to help. Contact us now to request your strictly confidential, no obligation case assessment. We serve parents in Clearwater and throughout the surrounding communities in Pinellas County, including in St. Petersburg, Palm Harbor, East Lake, Dunedin, and West Lealman.