Author Archives: Jay Butchko

How Do Florida Courts Resolve Child Custody Cases and Questions of Religion?
According to the most recent data from the Pew Research Center, approximately 75 percent of Americans identify with a religion. For many parents, imparting their religious beliefs and their moral values on their children is extremely important. This issue can create conflict in child custody disputes — particularly when parents have differing religious traditions… Read More »

Can I Get an Annulment Instead of a Divorce in Florida?
If you are considering separating from your spouse in Florida, you may be wondering if you can get your marriage annulled instead of getting a traditional divorce. The answer is ‘yes’, but only when specific criteria are met. While Florida law does allow annulments, you can only get one under limited circumstances. Here, our… Read More »

Florida Collaborative Divorce: The Participation Agreement
Many divorcing couples want to find a way to end their relationship on reasonably amicable terms. While divorce is often portrayed by the media as a fierce, combative fight, it does not have to be that way. Many couples are able to work together to resolve their differences and find points of common interests…. Read More »

What is Durational Alimony in Florida?
Going through a divorce can create a number of financial challenges — especially for the spouse who is in a more financially vulnerable position. Under Florida state law (Florida Statutes § 61.08), there are several different types of alimony that can be awarded to the financially disadvantaged spouse. Here, our Clearwater alimony attorney provides… Read More »

Is Divorce Different for Stay-At-Home Parents?
According to the most recent data from the Pew Research Center, nearly one in five American parents — 18 percent — report that they voluntarily stay at home with their children. In many ways, a divorce for a stay-at-home parent is similar to a divorce for a parent who is working on a full-time… Read More »

Can I Get a Child Custody Modification in Florida?
Parenting is complicated. A child custody order or child custody agreement that is currently in place may no longer be effective for you and your family. To account for life’s ever changing circumstances, Florida parents have the legal right to seek a custody modification. That being said, family courts in our state have no… Read More »

Can I Stop My Former Spouse From Moving With Our Child?
For separated parents, one of the leading sources of conflict is proposed relocations. While a proposed relocation across town or to a community a few miles away may not be a big deal, your former partner trying to move your kids to the other side of the state or the other side of the… Read More »

Can a Parent With a Criminal Record Get Child Custody in Florida?
In Florida, child custody cases are handled under the state’s ‘best interests of the child’ legal standard. In custody disputes, Florida family courts make decisions that are best for the health, safety, and overall well-being of the child. Along with a wide range of other things, courts will consider the background and history of… Read More »

Four Divorce Tips for Medical Professionals
Going through a divorce can be deeply challenging for any couple. For medical professionals, ending a marriage can be even more complicated — there are often additional issues that must be considered and resolved before the divorce can be finalized. At the Law Office of Gale H. Moore P.A., we represent medical professionals who… Read More »

Florida Family Law: What is a Guardian Ad Litem?
In certain high-conflict divorce and child custody cases, a Florida court may appoint a guardian ad litem to help investigate the dispute and ensure that a child’s best interests are fully protected. If a guardian ad litem has been appointed in your case, it is crucial that you have a basic understanding of their… Read More »